Webquest Quiz

The link bellow will lead you to a website that begins your Webquest. This webquest is worth 50 points. You will need to answer the questions bellow in order to complete the assignment. Answers should be typed using the preferred heading. Assignment is due on Friday, March 2nd, 2012.


James Clerk Maxwell

Maria Winkelmann Kirch

Nichole-Reine Lepaute

Christian Huygens

Giovanni Schiaparelli

Ada Byron

Edmond Halley

Isaac Newton

Friedrich Mohs

Charles Darwin

Louis Pasteur

Caroline Hersche

Christian Doppler

William Herschel

Maria Mitchell

Ben Franklin

James Clerk Maxwell



  1. Who was the English Naturalist that laid the foundations for modern biology and published

The Origin of the Species?  __________________________________________


  1. What popular phrase can be made from this scientist’s theory that only organisms that can adapt to Earth’s constantly changing pattern? ____________________________________
  2. Using your textbook, find the court case in 1925 that bridged the fight to allow the teaching of Evolution in American classrooms. _______________________________________________
  1. Who published Concerning the Coloured light of Double Stars in 1842? __________________


  1. What was hypothesized by the Doppler Effect? ______________________________________________________________________________


  1. Using your textbook, explain how this scientist used the Doppler Effect in his theory on the size of the universe (describe the theory) in the 1940s. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



  1. Which scientist also worked on a peace treaty between England, France & US to end the American Revolution? ____________________________________


  1. Describe what makes bifocal eyeglasses different other glasses._______________________________________________________________________


  1. Using your textbook, pages 425—428, describe the central themes at work in this scientist’s Poor Richard’s Almanac .  ________________________________________________________


The Final Frontier

  1. Which scientist formed the theory on the patterns of comets? ___________________________


  1. How often does the comet, named for this scientist, appear? ____________________________


  1. Considering that this scientist relied on Newton’s law of gravity for his theories, describe why studying gravity was an essential part of his work. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



  1. Which scientist created the 1 (being the softest) to 10 (being the hardest) scale for describing minerals? __________________________________________


  1. What mineral, through his findings, was discovered to the mineral that no other could scratch? ____________________________


  1. Use the map section of your textbook to sketch and label (major cities and waterways) of the two European nations this scientist lived in on the back of page 5.



Women in Science & Mathematics


  1. Which woman scientist published the article about the extent of solar eclipses in Connaissance des temps in 1764? _________________________________


  1.  Which female mathematician was a major influence in the creation of computers? _______________________________________


  1. Which female scientist made calendars and ephemindes? _______________________________


  1. Which female astronomer discovered 3 new nebulae in 1783? ___________________________


  1. Who was the 1st female professor of astronomy in the US? ______________________________


  1. Using your textbook, describe how other women contributed to the Scientific Revolution during the Enlightenment? ______________________________________


Microbes and Germs

  1. Who was the French chemist that made the 1st steps in preventing disease possible? _____________________________________


  1. What popular myth did this scientist dispel? __________________________________________


  1. Using your textbook (Chapter 19), what did this scientist’s work on germs spawn the creation of (hint: you must receive several of these before you can enter kindergarten)? ____________________________________


  1. What beverage do we, as people, consume (perhaps daily) is mandated to undergo pasteurization? _______________________________